Black Molly Gallery
Common Names Black Molly, Lyretail, Sailfin, Liberty, Mollie, Pointed Mouth, Short Finned, Mexican, Golden, Piebald, Ghost Pearl, Gold Dust, Red Sunset, Dalmation, Ballon. Scientific Name Poecilia sphenops. Color Form Black. Family Poeciliidae. Care Level Easy. Size 2 to 4 inches (5 - 10 cm) depending on the species. Minimum Tank Size 30 gallons. Temperament Peaceful. Water Conditions 68-82° F, KH 10-25, pH 7.0-7.8
Mollies are schooling fish and do best with 3 or more of the same kind. However with most live bearing fish the males may have little battles for dominancy. The weaker male will then suffer. The best solution to this is to have two or three females to every male.