Tropical Fish Oscars
- Genus name: Astronotus Ocellatus
- Common Names : Oscar, Tiger Oscar, Velvet Cichlid
- Adult Size : up to 14" (35cm)
- Minimum Tank Size: 48" (120cm)
- Water Temperature: 75°- 86°F (24° to 30° C)
- pH 6.5 to 7.5 (neutral)
- Temperament : aggressive
- Diet: Worms, crustaceans, insects, dried food, chopped meat
- Origin : South America, Orinoco to Rio Paraguay
- Colours and patterns, such as Tiger, Albino, Red, Zebra, and Red Fire.
Breeding : Oscars is easy as long as the water is clean. The female will choose a flat rock to lay her eggs. and the male will fertilize them. Oscars will form true pairs and stay together for the duration of their life, each take part in the laying of the eggs and caring of the young. Over a period of several days the couple will work nonstop and build mountains of gravel around the aquarium.