Disease of Guppy Fish

Disease of Guppy Fish

Saprolegnia is generally a secondary pathogen, though in the right circumstances, it can act as primary. It most frequently targets fish, both in the wild and in tank environments. Through cellular necrosis and other epidermal damage, Saprolegnia will spread across the surface of its host as a cotton-like film. Though it often stays in the epidermal layers, the mould does not appear to be tissue specific. A Saprolegnia infection is usually fatal, eventually causing haemodilution, though the time to death varies depending on the initial site of the infection, rate of growth and the ability of the organism to withstand the stress of the infection.

Mouth fungus
The first symptoms of mouth fungus is a grey or white line around the lips of the fish. This line gives way to gray and white patches that form around the mouth. If left untreated, mouth fungus will appear as tufts of grey and white material that stick out of the mouth. It is important to treat mouth fungus as soon as it is detected since the disease can be fatal to fish.

Bloated Beta Fish
Every now and again, a Betta fish will become mysteriously bloated. The owner will usually believe that the fish is constipated and, following well meaning advice, will fast the fish and give it little pieces of cooked pea. At some point, the owner will realize that the fish is still bloated, but pooping normally, and then start to become worried.

Gill disease
Rapid gill movements, and swollen or discoloured gills. The fish are likely to stop feeding and may gasp either at the surface or laying motionless on the bottom.

Betta Fish Dropsy
The betta's scales are standing upright and erect, upwards from the body, rather than lying flat against the body like they are supposed to. This creates what is commonly referred to as a "pine cone look". Significant bloating and swelling throughout the fish's entire body.